Wednesday, March 19, 2008

In a Second

"I'll be with you in a minute." One of my favorite phrases really. I had an infinite amount of knowledge, so I thought, when I was young. I talked a lot. My ma and I played the quiet game a lot. I had a wonderful friend who really liked when I talked...I think. Anyway, she said "If you hold on just one minute, I will give you my undivided attention." I really liked that. It was comforting somehow.

But now I know different. Things can change in a second. Things die, lawnmowers run, people scatter, reasons change, notes slow down, minds are gone, skin turns and horses weep. What are we doing in this second? Who are we blaming? Do we spend so much time looking at our past that our seconds are used for our past...again. Is it sucking us dry? Can we get beyond all of this so that our seconds are new and open for reception?

What the head makes cloudy, the heart makes very clear.

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